Friday, August 8, 2014

A Little Change On This Blog

So, as you probably know, I have not been able to post lately. But, I will now! Except, I will only post when there is a new update. That means I will only post about new updates, new animals, and new adventures. I am doing this for 2 reasons. 1, I can't post every day. And 2, this is very convenient for my schedule. I hope this is okay with everyone!
-WaffleCat123 (Yes, I'm still EveryAnimalIsTheBest)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Uhm, No title

Sorry for no posts lately I try my best to post but I forget! I need more authors BADLY!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Umm... Back? + Flower Lamp

Hey Jammers! I'm sorry I couldn't post when I said I would, I was at my dad's house. Most weekends and weeks I will not be able to post. The new item is a flower lamp! Sadly, members only... It comes with vines, too!
Ehh... I have nothing else to say. Umm... Oh! My fox hat giveaway has ended, here's the winner!
It looks like I can't type after I place a video! So, umm... yeah.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Oh my, homework is keeping is keeping me behind! Luckily, it's summer break for me! New post tomorrow! :D

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Shades + Sitting On Water Glitch!

Hey Jammers! Our new item is Shutter Shades. Since these are here, Sunglasses are probably coming back soon!
Now, we have a glitch! Look! I'm sitting on water! Here's how to do it: First, go to Tierney's Aquarium. Next, switch animals. Then, before you "become" the animal, click the pool thing! Last, you can do whatever you want!
Alright, that wraps up today's post!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

I'm Back (I hope)! + SPIRITUAL BETA!!!

Hey Jammers! I am back. Well, maybe. Since I do not play Animal Jam much anymore, I thought I could spend more time on the blog! Anywho, the new item! Oooo, bringing back the spirit of Jamaa! When Jammers asked to bring back the beta days, I think AJHQ thought they meant the spiritual beta, which is very important!
Oh yay! I finally figured out how to type after a picture! So, glitch time! Look! The circle on the radio thing shows through my wings!
Alright, that wraps up today's post!
~EveryAnimalIsTheBest :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Rare Leaves!

Oh my! Today's rare is... A LEAF???? My oh my... AJHQ hasn't done very good rares lately, no offense. Anywho, this is my first time doing a post about a rare. So, I don't promise it'll be good! Back to the subject. OK, I do like purple and Leaf Necklaces, so I guess this rare is pretty good. It looks just like a regular leaf necklace, but a different color. AJHQ, I have a tip for you. Try adding lots more detail to rares than just color difference. I might make a new blog just for Rare Item Mondays. Mph, here's a picture of the rare. (Sorry I don't have enough gems, I rarely have enough gems to buy ANYTHING.)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Oh Dear... + Free Pirate Sword!

My oh my! I can't post at all! Still busy... Sorry! Since I can't post very often, I was wondering if anyone wants to be an author? ~EveryAnimalIsTheBest
P.S. Do you want a non member Pirate Sword? Enter my giveaway on my channel!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I'm Back! + Bunny Nesting Dolls

Hi Jammers, I'm back! I will be posting again. Today's new item is a Nesting Peck Doll! The eyes are pretty big, but everything else is cute! Ignore me not having enough gems to buy it, I spend them a lot. I wish I could make my bunny look like Peck! Also, I wonder how she got her name. I also wonder what it would be like to be an Alpha!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sorry For No Posts...

OK guys, I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately. I have not had any time recently. I can get back to doing them soon!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clover Table!

Here's today's new item, the Clover Table! It has returned from last year! Anyway, this will be perfect for my Lucky Day party I will have at my den soon! Are you enjoying this blog? Comment below and tell me!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Clover Tubes

Here's my first new item post! Today's new item is Clover Tubes, sold in Sunken Treasures, located at Kani Cove. 300 gems!? That's so cheap!  I like how it fits in with Lucky Day, but really, AJHQ needs to put in more Lucky Day land items, especially clothes! I also like how it's for non members! So, I hope you enjoyed my first post! Here's a picture of it!

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi, I'm EveryAnimalIsTheBest from Animal Jam, and welcome to my blog, the Animal Jam Hoof! I will post thing such as the new item, Rare Item Monday, and much more.